Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I'm Committing!

Lately, I have been thinking about my health A LOT. More than usual. Maybe it has something to do with having kids or getting older. I don't always make the right eating choices. However, i try. Yesterday while sitting with my "Happiness Project" group, i decided that i would commit to ORGANIC fruits and vegetables.

I tried the vegan thing, but it is not for me. I LOVE seafood and LIKE chicken and beef. Although i do not eat meat often, I do enjoy it a couple days a week. Besides, my boys LOVE it :-)

I understand that organic food is more expensive, but I'm going to commit to spending a few extra dollars and taking this serious. I do not want to say "I'm going to eat organic food" because the truth is, I can't afford that right now. Maybe one day. God willing.

I'm committed to starting with fruits and vegetables. Instead of spending $150 on groceries every 2 weeks i will be spending $200. Which in my opinion, is worth it for health purposes. I'm sure my kids will thank me in the ending.

In case you are interested in some valid points on organic foods, I'm going to paste what my group leader Kajah sent me yesterday. I really hope this can answer your questions regarding "organic" foods.
If you can't afford to go all organic, start with this list.

What organic means:

  • Animals have not been treated with: antibiotics, growth hormones, or feed made from animal by-products.
  • Animals must have been fed organic feed for at least a year.
  • Animals must have access to the outdoors.
  • Food hasn't been genetically modified or irradiated.
  • Fertilizer does not contain sewage sludge or synthetic ingredients.
  • Produce hasn't been contaminated with synthetic chemicals used as pesticides.
  • What the labels mean:“100% Organic”: Product must contain 100 percent organic ingredients.
  • “Organic”: At least 95 percent of ingredients are organically produced.
  • “Made with Organic Ingredients”: At least 70 percent of ingredients are organic. The remaining 30 percent must come from the USDA’s approved list.

“Free-range” or “Free-roaming”: Misleading term applied to chicken, eggs and other meat. The animal did not necessarily spend a good portion of its life outdoors. The rule states only that outdoor access be made available for “an undetermined period each day.” U.S. government standards are weak in this area.

“Natural” or “All Natural”: Does not mean organic. There is no standard definition for this term except with meat and poultry products. (USDA defines “natural” as not containing any artificial flavouring, colors, chemical preservatives, or synthetic ingredients). The claim is not verified. The producer or manufacturer alone decides whether to use it.

The “Dirty Dozen”:

Must-buy organic foods



Grapes, imported (Chili)






Vegetables Bell peppers




The U.S. Department of Agriculture found that even after washing, some fruits and vegetables consistently carry much higher levels of pesticide residue than others. Based on an analysis of more than 100,000 U.S. government pesticide test results, researchers at the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a research and advocacy organization based in Washington, D.C., have developed the “dirty dozen” fruits and vegetables, above, that they say you should always buy organic, if possible, because their conventionally grown counterparts tend to be laden with pesticides. They cost about 50 percent more — but are well worth the money.

Other organic foods worth considering:




Reduce the risk of exposure to the agent believed to cause mad cow disease and minimize exposure to other potential toxins in non-organic feed. These foods contain no hormones, and antibiotics — which have been linked to increased antibacterial resistance in humans — have not been added to the food. They often cost 100 percent more than conventional products.

No need to go organic with these foods:

Fruit Bananas





Vegetables Asparagus








These products generally do not contain pesticide residue.

Wild or farmed fish can be labeled organic, despite the presence of contaminants such as mercury and PCBs. No USDA organic certification standards for seafood — producers are allowed to make their own organic claims.


Having “organic” or “natural” in its name doesn’t necessarily mean it’s safer. Only 11 percent of ingredients found in personal-care products, organic or not, have ever been screened for safety.

Managing the high cost of organic foods:
Why does organic cost more?

Growing the food is more labor-intensive. And even though organic food is a growing industry, it doesn't have the economies of scale or government subsidies available to conventional growers.


Invest in YOU and your children! If you own a backyard, maybe you can start planting your own fruits and vegetables. Get the children to help. They will have a blast.
We need to start making the right choices.


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