Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Back In My "Playground"

As some of you may know I have been collecting Socks for our Street Projects Ministry (for the homeless), for the past couple of months. This outreach drive will continue annually during the winter months. We will still collect blankets and coats of course, but we have added Socks because ...well I probably don't have to explain why :-)

Because of your donations we were able to collect over 300 hundred pairs of socks in just a few weeks and so we decided to go downtown a few times from now until March end. There are still plenty of socks to be donated and we will have enough to make a few trips. Our special friends downtown are cold and we have got to make a difference.

I have a special attachment to the souls downtown because exactly where we get out of our cars and minister to these souls by just being present sometimes, is where I grew up (born and raised) and it is also where I myself got caught up in the street life.

This past Sunday I along with SP volunteers parked our cars in front of the shelter at Sherbourne and Queen and with love we gave away socks and gave our time freely and willingly.

As i normally do, I looked around me realizing in an instant moment that I could have been living their exact lifestyle had i not found God. That was the exact corner I stood and sold drugs. That was the exact corner I hung out at times packing a gun for my "boyfriend" who walked up and down hustling drugs. That was the same corner we hung out at drinking and smoking weed. And every time I go back down to my "playground" it humbles me even more and opens up my eyes to exactly what God took me out of.

I had and have never done drugs, yet I sold them for almost 10 years. So really had I not escaped that "playground" maybe I would have eventually tried drugs. Until the day God removes me from this temporary place, I will commit myself to Street Ministry. If my spiritual mother did not obey God in saving my soul, where would I be today? So even if it is one soul a year I can bring to Christ, I am committed.

What is going on in YOUR playground? Whatever it is, I know a man who is ABLE to heal your pain and He is able to turn your pain into your PURPOSE!

I am a living testimony my friends.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Do NOT Skip Breakfast!

We are all at fault, including myself for skipping breakfast at times.

It often amazes me how people take better care of their cars, shoes or accessories, than their bodies. I have yet to meet a person who said, “God has a plan as to when my car should ‘die’ and I do not need to worry about it. I don’t need to check or change the oil, or perform any routine maintenance. And I don’t need to worry about the type of gas I use.” We recognize the necessity of proper care to get the longest life and best performance out of our cars, computers and gadgets. But seriously when will we realize that proper care also gives our bodies the longest life and best performance?

It took for me to go under a major brain surgery and be faced with the 50% chance of ....well everything, to start taking my health serious. And guess what? I am still not where I should be. I still drink double double coffees knowing good and well that sugar is a killer! And I still have cookies and chocolate. Yes ok I try and stick with pure dark chocolate, but I should cut it out period. The first 6 months after my sugar I did not touch a chocolate, coffee, sugar or anything that was not apart of the food groups. I drank up to 5 organic herbal teas a day and breakfast was my biggest meal. Hhhmmm what happened? Well, I got comfortable. My diet was so clean that the first time (months later) I ate half a slice of pizza, I got major heart burn (that lasted an hour) and I puked. Yes that's right. Because everything that was inside of my body was clean and there I was putting the junk back in.
Today, scientific research has confirmed that most of the leading causes of death and chronic diseases are preventable. Adding breakfast to your eating pattern is a major step to improving your lifestyle. Food is fuel. Literally. Studies have emphasized the importance of breakfast. If you want to make the most of your day, fuel your body early with the right stuff. Think of this, you have been sleeping for 7..8..9 hours right? Well how often do you go that many hours without eating while your awake? Not often. Ok so your body is starving when you wake up. But what do you we do? We focus on rushing out of the house, grabbing a coffee or a donut (not me lol)or nothing at all and we actually forget that our body is hungry. And after many days, weeks, months...even years of doing this, our body becomes accustomed to it and we "claim" we are never hungry in the mornings. No that could never be so.

Starting your day with a good breakfast boosts your energy, increases your attention span, and heightens your sense of well-being. You’ll be in better control of your emotions overall. A good breakfast is one that provides at least one third of the day’s calories.

The effects of a skipped breakfast are short attention span, lack of alertness, longer reaction time, low blood sugar, decreased work productivity. I assure you, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Set your alarm clock 15 or 20 minutes earlier than your regular wake up time and treat your body to what it deserves. A balanced breakfast. It’s a good investment of your time. Believe me, once you get into the habit of eating breakfast, you WILL feel hungry in the mornings. You will not stand that feeling of hunger anymore and you will NOT ignore it.

Start small if you are not a breakfast eater:

Whole wheat toast and/or a piece of fruit.
There are many to choose from: oranges, grapefruits, apples, bananas, grapes, kiwis, mangos, melons, berries. Eat two servings of fruit every morning.

What do i have?

I juice every single morning. Raw fruits and vegetables. Shortly after I have a boiled egg or a whole banana. Oats porridge etc

Take the step. Do the right thing. Eat breakfast.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wisdom, Skill and Favor

The bible tells us that the Lord gave Daniel favor (compassion and loving kindness)in putting him in the position to become chief governor of Babylon - the world's greatest power at that time. What was the key to Daniel's success? Well, the more i read the book of Daniel, I understand that it was Daniel's commitment to follow God with his whole heart and he refused to compromise and a result, God gave him wisdom, skill and favor.

God, I pray that You would give me knowledge, skill, and understanding in all the things I need to know - Daniel 1:17

Daniel also tells us that "God changes the times and the seasons." This is not only true in the natural world, but in our lives. His timing and His ways are always perfect. But we must fully trust Him to bring the changes we need on His time. He is doing a work is us so I encourage you to cooperate with the changes He brings. He will be glad we did. You see, we say we trust God, but how can we trust someone we barely know? I mean, would you trust a man or woman you met yesterday or just started courting? NO. You first get to know that person, study that person and spend time with that person. Well, doesn't the same go for God? If we truly trusted God, we would not question our lives at all.

Our God is an excellent God and He has called us to be excellent too. To be excellent is a decision we must make, and it means we should always go the extra mile to do things the very best way they can be done. And, we should strive to do what we believe God would do in a situation similar to the one we are in.

I am making a decision today to be excellent. Will you join me?

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Commit Yourself

Think of a time you had to make a change that was so hard to make. Until one day WHAM! You said, "that's it. No more." Well, I can definitely relate.

I do not make resolutions because I personally believe everyday is a new day and a new change to make it right to be a new me. But one thing I am determined to do this year is change. Transform - My thoughts. My actions. My words. My health and my focus.

I know that whatever my focus is on, is what is going to happen. If I am focused on failing, I will fail. But if I focus on winning, I will win! I challenge you to get clear on what you want to create in your life (going forward). Clarity is power. When we condition our brain and show it where to go, it goes!

I am challenging myself for the next 90 days to get a clear and compelling vision of what I want. I am excited about what I want to create for my life and my family. What I focus on will create the pattern of my life. Period. This is why I do not watch drama reality TV shows. This is why I am careful with the friends I keep or the books I read.


I was challenged to write out an Ultimate Life Plan this week and let me tell you, it was not easy. I could not believe how hard it was for me to dream BIG! I realized fear has had me crippled in areas of my life I did not think existed. This is why we have got to identify it and attack it.

Commit yourself to condition your mind for constant and never ending fulfillment. Stop the pity parties. I have sad feeling and memories too, but I don't live in that feeling. I feel it, deal with it and then let it go. It is not that I am stronger than you. We all have the capability to do this. The only monster you are fighting is YOU!

We have the capacity to change our state. A hero is the state of mind. It is a choice we have all been given for free. Raise your standards. In all areas of your life. Friendships, relationships, your spirituality, your career, your finances.

The point in which change happens is a DECISION! Decision is when you cut off something other than what your committing too.

Love, Lizzy
